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Please download and fill the MiReKoc Summer School Application Form 2022 and send the following documents as a single pdf file to miss@ku.edu.tr and mirekoc@ku.edu.tr:

– A current résumé

– Proof of English: Following are accepted

o TOEFL and/or IELTS scores

o BA, MA or PhD Diploma from an institution whose language of education is in English

o An official letter signed by a relevant authority stating that the language of education is English

o Publication or thesis in English language

– One reference letter from employer or professor: The letter can be submitted by the applicant or separately e-mailed by the referees

– Written work sample: Published or unpublished article, book chapter, thesis chapter and/or report preferably on a related migration topic, if applicable

– A statement of purpose/motivation letter:

o A paragraph on how you will benefit from this summer school. Please clearly indicate your specific developmental needs (e.g., publishing, reviewing, collaborative research, career issues, getting your first job, methods, etc.).

o If you will be applying for a full or a partial scholarship up to 30% based on financial hardships, another paragraph describing your fitness for scholarship.

– If you are interested in participating in the MiReKoc Academic Workshops, incorporating presentations by the researchers and discussion sessions with participants as well as renowned academics, please attach the following documents along with your application:

o Doctoral/academic program including:

 Affiliation

 Main area(s) of studies

 Name(s) of your supervisor(s)

 Stage of your PhD work

o Dissertation/on-going research summary: Description of your doctoral dissertation project (around 3 pages), including a title, a precise research question, theoretical framing, empirical research design and preliminary findings, and references. Your description should also clearly convey how data have been collected/analysed, and concisely indicate the academic field to which the thesis aims to contribute.


Deadline for application is midnight GMT on 10 June 2022. The results will be announced in mid-June.